Friday, November 14, 2014

Ukulele Club

The Ukulele Club performed Woody Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land" at the Veteran's Day assembly on Monday, November 10th. They did a great job on their first performance of the year. This is a picture of them after the show. If any parents of Uke Club Members would like a copy of this picture, send me an email at and I will send it out to you!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Second Grade Concert

The second grade concert is this Thursday, November 6th at Franklin Middle School at 6:30 pm. Students need to be at the middle school between 6:10 and 6:20. Students must look nice for the concert (no t-shirts with logos and no ripped jeans). They will be singing songs by Bob Marley, Woody Guthrie, the Beatles, and more. They have worked very hard on the songs and are ready!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Autumn!

The school year is well underway and all grades are doing some very musical things! Kindergarten has been learning patriotic songs and are now starting some autumn songs and using some instruments. First grade has been playing instruments and learning about the rhythm instrument families. Next they will be learning some new songs to sing. Second graders have been preparing for their concert on November 6th. Third grade has been learning melodic notation and will now be learning about instruments of the orchestra. Fourth graders have been playing ukuleles and learning the song "3 Little Birds" by Bob Marley. Fourth grade Ukulele Club has been learning "This Land is Your Land". Great things are on the horizon for uke club...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back musicians! It has been a wonderful start to the new school year. All of the classes have been doing some great things. Here's what's happening in music classes this month. Kindergarten has been singing some songs that they already know so they can understand how to use their voices appropriately. They have also been doing some moving around activities. Ask them about Mike the tennis ball. First Grade has started with playing rhythm band instruments. They are learning how to use them properly and how to share them appropriately. Second Grade has started working on songs for their concert on November 6th. It will be held at 6:30 pm at the Franklin Middle School. Third Grade has started reading melodic notation (the notes on the treble staff). We have learned some crazy ways to remember the names of the lines and spaces! Fourth Grade has started playing ukuleles. We will be learning some chords to put together to play songs. Fourth Grade also started the Ukulele Club. I am looking forward to a great year!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial Day Assembly

This past Tuesday, May 27th, the students participated in an assembly celebrating the men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. The students sang patriotic songs, watched some footage of Memorial Day, and heard about the history of the day. Mrs. Weaver's class and Ms. Lagos' class presented a "flash mob" using flags to the tune of "Stars and Stripes Forever". It was very cool! They were scattered throughout the gym and the rest of the students did not know what was going on! Great job everyone!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

First Grade Concert!

The first grade will be presenting their spring concert on Wednesday, May 14th at 6:30 PM at Franklin Middle School. They will be performing songs we have been working on for the year from composers like Woody Guthrie, Stephen Foster, and Jack Johnson. Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Month Of April

The month of April will be another busy one for the Music Room. Here's what we will be up to: Kindergarten is working on singing songs new and old in preparation for their end of the year concert. They also are working on playing instruments to a steady beat. First Grade is gearing up for their concert on May 14th. They are learning new songs to go with the songs they learned earlier in the year. Second Grade is finishing up a long unit on rhythmic notation. We have leaned about the names and durations of several notes and rests. We will be learning some new singing games next. Third Grade will be learning about the lives of famous composers. We discussed Mozart earlier in the year and we will be checking out Beethoven and Bach this month. Fourth Grade will be finishing up learning about the Beatles. We will be checking out some media from the 1960's about Mr. Hazelton's favorite group. We will also be playing ukuleles again to get the chords back under our fingers. Phew! That's a lot! Hopefully spring will be sprung soon! -Mr. Hazelton

Monday, March 24, 2014

3rd and 4th Grade Concert

Last Thursday, the 3rd and 4th graders presented their concerts.  Third grade did some folk and country songs, and fourth grade did all songs by the Beatles.  The fourth grade concert was also the debut of the Ukulele Club.  They did a wonderful job and made me proud!  Here are some pictures from the show.

New Blog!

Hey Everyone!
This is the new Music Room Blog!  I will be posting about concerts, special events, unit descriptions, new music, and anything else that I can.  Leave a comment if you like and vote in the current poll.  Thanks!
-Mr. Hazelton