Monday, December 14, 2015

Sorry, It's Been a While!

Happy Holidays from the music room! All of the classes have been wrapping up (pun intended) their respective units. 3rd grade is finishing up playing ukuleles for now and will be starting a unit on composers in January. 2nd grade is finishing up playing percussion instruments and will be starting a unit on rhythm note reading after the first of the year. 1st grade is completing a unit on song structures and will be starting exploring high and low pitches. Kindergarten is finishing a unit on note reading and will be starting longer songs in January. I want to leave you with a fun video for the holidays. It is the a capella group "Straight No Chaser" singing a new version of "The 12 Days of Christmas". I have seen this group a couple of times and they are very entertaining.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happy Fall!

We are in full swing in the music room! Second graders are preparing for their concert on November 5th. It will be at Franklin Middle School at 6:30 PM. It will feature songs from Woody Guthrie, Bob Marley, and The Beatles (big surprise). Third graders have just finished a unit on reading notes on the treble staff. They have some creative ways of remembering the names of each line and space! First graders just finished a unit on rhythm band instrument families. They played instruments and could identify their family by listening to them. Kindergarten have been singing and playing shaker instruments. They will be learning about new musical terms starting next week. Phew! That's a lot! Check back often for updates.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Welcome to the new school year! I have lots of great things planned for this year. Each grade will have a concert. The dates are: 11/5 2nd Grade Concert 4/7 3rd Grade Concert 5/11 1st Grade Concert All concerts are at 6:30 pm at Franklin Middle School. Third graders will be playing ukuleles. I have started a ukulele club for some of the students, but all third graders will play throughout the year. Second graders will be learning about rhythm notation. This will start after their concert. First graders will be learning how to play the classroom rhythm instruments. They will also be learning about how music is put together and some fun new songs to sing. Kindergartners will be learning a TON of songs as well as some musical terms and how to play the classroom rhythm instruments. It's going to be a great year!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fisher Cats Game!

The Paul Smith School Ukulele Club will be performing at a NH Fisher Cats game on Thursday, May 28th. If you ordered tickets through the school, we will be meeting outside Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester at 5:00 pm. Uke club will be performing "America the Beautiful" in the pre-game ceremonies.

Monday, May 11, 2015

First Grade Concert

The first graders have been working very hard on the songs for their concert! The concert will be held on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm at Franklin Middle School. The students need to arrive between 6:10-6:20. Students report to the cafeteria and parents report to the gym. The concert will be approximately 30 minutes long. The students must look nice for the concert (no ripped jeans and no T-shirts with logos). They will be singing songs by Woody Guthrie, Bobby McFerrin, the Carter Family, and others (including a surprise!).

Friday, April 10, 2015

Videos from the 4th Grade Concert

Miss Rocheford has posted videos from last night Beatles concert. You can check them out at Enjoy!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Third and Fourth Grade Concerts

The third and fourth grade concerts will be held on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at Franklin Middle School. The third grade concert will begin at 5:30 pm. Third graders (and uke club members) need to report to the middle school between 5:10 and 5:20. The concert will last about 25 minutes. The students need to look nice for the concert (no T-shirts with logos and no ripped jeans). The fourth grade concert will begin at 6:30. Fourth graders need to report to the middle school between 6:10 and 6:20. The concert will last about 30 minutes. The students need to look nice for the concert (no T-shirts with logos-except if it is a Beatles logo-and no ripped jeans). The third graders will be singing songs by John Denver, Woody Guthrie, and Ben E. King. The fourth graders will be singing songs by the Beatles. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


The Paul Smith School Ukulele Club will be playing at a NH Fisher Cats game! The game will be on Thursday, May 28th at 7:05 pm at NE Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, NH. We will be performing America the Beautiful. We will have more information about buying tickets to this game in the future. We are getting a group rate discount so tickets will only be $7.50! Save the date!