Friday, May 22, 2015

Fisher Cats Game!

The Paul Smith School Ukulele Club will be performing at a NH Fisher Cats game on Thursday, May 28th. If you ordered tickets through the school, we will be meeting outside Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester at 5:00 pm. Uke club will be performing "America the Beautiful" in the pre-game ceremonies.

Monday, May 11, 2015

First Grade Concert

The first graders have been working very hard on the songs for their concert! The concert will be held on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm at Franklin Middle School. The students need to arrive between 6:10-6:20. Students report to the cafeteria and parents report to the gym. The concert will be approximately 30 minutes long. The students must look nice for the concert (no ripped jeans and no T-shirts with logos). They will be singing songs by Woody Guthrie, Bobby McFerrin, the Carter Family, and others (including a surprise!).